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Javascript API

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Saved by Brian Kirchoff
on May 28, 2010 at 6:06:23 pm


Class nicEditors

The nicEditors class provides convient methods to add NicEditor to the page or get a reference to a editor by ID



Converts all the textareas on the page info NicEditor instances.  Returns a reference to the array of all NicEdit instances on the page.


Finds a specific editor by ID if created using allTextAreas explicitly 


For example to get the nicedit instance for

<textarea id="myArea2"></textarea>




The method returns a nicedit instance that you call the functions below on.



In order to use this and other API methods, the editor must be finished loading.  To see an example of how you can use addEvent to have your code run after editor load see Editor Events

nicEditors.editors[] The raw array of all the NicEdit instances on the page


Class nicInstance

The nicEditor instance class creates the editable area for a single element and provides a number of useful methods to developers.  You can get a reference to a specific nicInstance object using







Returns the current HTML of the nicInstance

For example:


returns the HTML in the content editor that replaced the element on the page with ID 'myArea2'.





Set the current HTML in the editor instance

For example:

nicEditors.findEditor('myArea2').setContent('<strong>Some HTML</strong> here');




Only for nicInstances that are replacing a <textarea>

this method syncs the content of the editor with the textarea value.

This is done automatically if the form with the orginal

<textarea> is submitted.

However, you may want to explicitly do the syncing yourself.




Class nicEditor

The nicEditor class is a container for a number of nicEditor instances and 1 nicPanel. 

Because of this you can use nicEditor in 2 ways:

  1. Create a single control panel with setPanel() then use addInstance multiple times to create as many editable areas on the page you need that are controlled from a single control panel.
  2. Use the panelInstance() to create a combined content area/panel editor.  If you use this option and want multiple editors you should create multiple nicEditor instances.


var myNicEditor = new nicEditor() Creates a new nicedit object.  A single instance of nicEditor contains:
  •  1 or more editor instances (nicInstance/nicIFrameInstance)
  • 1 nicPanel
myNicEditor.addInstance('someElementsID') Adds a nicedit instance to allow inline editing of the given elements ID
myNicEditor.removeInstance('someElementID') Removes the nicedit instance with the given ID, returning it to the original element with the content within the element.
myNicEditor.setPanel('someElementID') Append an editor control panel at the end of the given ID. Normally the element is blank and with a fixed CSS width you would like the panel set.
myNicEditor.panelInstance('someElementID') Creates an inline content editor with attached control panel on top of the element.
myNicEditor.instanceById('someElementID') Find a nicInstance object by ID that was added to this nicEditor
myNicEditor.floatingPanel() Activate a floating panel. First add editor instances to this editor with addInstance() then call floatingPanel(). When a instance is selected, a floating panel will appear above/below it.  * Requires nicFloating plugin



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