var nicEditorConfig = bkClass.extend({
buttons : {
'bold' : {name : __('Negrita'), command : 'Bold', tags : ['B','STRONG'], css : {'font-weight' : 'bold'}, key : 'b'},
'italic' : {name : __('Cursiva'), command : 'Italic', tags : ['EM','I'], css : {'font-style' : 'italic'}, key : 'i'},
'underline' : {name : __('Subrayado'), command : 'Underline', tags : ['U'], css : {'text-decoration' : 'underline'}, key : 'u'},
'left' : {name : __('Alinear texto a la izquierda'), command : 'justifyleft', noActive : true},
'center' : {name : __('Centrar texto'), command : 'justifycenter', noActive : true},
'right' : {name : __('Alinear texto a la derecha'), command : 'justifyright', noActive : true},
'justify' : {name : __('Justificar texto'), command : 'justifyfull', noActive : true},
'ol' : {name : __('Insertar lista ordenada'), command : 'insertorderedlist', tags : ['OL']},
'ul' : {name : __('Insertar lista desordenada'), command : 'insertunorderedlist', tags : ['UL']},
'subscript' : {name : __('SubIndice'), command : 'subscript', tags : ['SUB']},
'superscript' : {name : __('SuperIndice'), command : 'superscript', tags : ['SUP']},
'strikethrough' : {name : __('Tachar'), command : 'strikeThrough', css : {'text-decoration' : 'line-through'}},
'removeformat' : {name : __('Borrar formato'), command : 'removeformat', noActive : true},
'indent' : {name : __('Identar'), command : 'indent', noActive : true},
'outdent' : {name : __('Eliminar identado'), command : 'outdent', noActive : true},
'hr' : {name : __('Barra separadora'), command : 'insertHorizontalRule', noActive : true}
Comments (4)
Rui Patinha said
at 12:02 pm on Jun 5, 2009
How about keeping the original source code intact, and just configure the buttons when creating the editor? This way, we can keep the original code safe for future upgrades...
var rtEditor = new nicEditor({
iconsPath : '../nicEditorIcons2.gif',
buttons: {
'negrito' : {name : __('Negrito'), command : 'Bold', tags : ['B','STRONG'], css : {'font-weight' : 'bold'}, key : 'b'},
'italico' : {name : __('Itálico'), command : 'Italic', tags : ['EM','I'], css : {'font-style' : 'italic'}, key : 'i'},
'sublinhado' : {name : __('Sublinhado'), command : 'Underline', tags : ['U'], css : {'text-decoration' : 'underline'}, key : 'u'},
'lstOrd' : {name : __('Inserir/Eliminar Numeração'), command : 'insertorderedlist', tags : ['OL']},
'marcas' : {name : __('Inserir/Eliminar Marcas'), command : 'insertunorderedlist', tags : ['UL']},
iconList : {"negrito":1,"center":2,"hr":3,"indent":4,"italico":5,"justify":6,"left":7,"lstOrd":8,"outdent":9,"removeformat":10,"right":11,"save":22,"strikethrough":13,"subscript":14,"superscript":15,"marcas":16,"sublinhado":17,"image":18,"link":19,"unlink":20,"close":21,"arrow":23,"upload":24,"smile":25}
Rui Patinha said
at 12:02 pm on Jun 5, 2009
The rest of if can be sent as external plugin, like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="external_plugins.js"></script>
and in external_plugins.js:
var nicLinkOptions = {
buttons : {
'link' : {name : 'Inserir/Editar Hiperligação', type : 'nicLinkButton', tags : ['A']},
'unlink' : {name : 'Eliminar Hiperligação', command : 'unlink', noActive : true}
var nicLinkButton = nicEditorAdvancedButton.extend({
addPane : function() {
this.ln ='A');
'' : {type : 'title', txt : 'Inserir/Editar Hiperligação'},
'href' : {type : 'text', txt : 'URL', value : 'http://', style : {width: '150px'}},
'title' : {type : 'text', txt : 'Título'},
'target' : {type : 'select', txt : 'Abrir', options : {'' : 'Mesma Janela', '_blank' : 'Nova Janela'},style : {width : '100px'}}
submit : function(e) {
var url = this.inputs['href'].value;
if(url == "http://" || url == "") {
alert("Por favor introduza a hiperligação URL");
return false;
if(!this.ln) {
var tmp = 'javascript:nicTemp();';"createlink",tmp);
this.ln = this.findElm('A','href',tmp);
if(this.ln) {
href : this.inputs['href'].value,
title : this.inputs['title'].value,
target : this.inputs['target'].options[this.inputs['target'].selectedIndex].value
Marco said
at 9:43 pm on Aug 15, 2009
This is my solution:
Modified the function __ in nicEdit.js
function __(s) {
return (l10n[s] === undefined) ? s : l10n[s];
Created a new file called l10n.js (example in portuguese):
var l10n = {
'Click to Bold': 'Negrito', 'Click to Italic': 'Itálico',
'Click to Underline': 'Sublinhado', 'Left Align': 'Alinhar à esquerda',
'Center Align': 'Centrar', 'Right Align': 'Alinhar à direita',
'Justify Align': 'Justificar', 'Insert Ordered List': 'Inserir Lista ordenada',
'Insert Unordered List': 'Inserir Lista não-ordenada', 'Click to Subscript': 'Inferior à linha',
'Click to Superscript': 'Superior à linha', 'Click to Strike Through': 'Riscado',
'Remove Formatting': 'Remover formatação', 'Indent Text': 'Aumentar avanço',
'Remove Indent': 'Diminuir avanço', 'Horizontal Rule': 'Separador Horizontal',
'Add Link': 'Adicionar Link', 'Remove Link': 'Remover Link',
'Title': 'Titulo', 'Add/Edit Link': 'Inserir/Editar Link',
'Current Window': 'Mesma Janela', 'New Window': 'Nova Janela',
'Open In': 'Abre Em'
Inserted l10n.js in the html page before the nicEdit.js
Not all the strings in the nicEdit.js file are returned by the function __, you have to modify them
'unlink' : {name : 'Remove Link', command : 'unlink', noActive : true} has to be 'unlink' : {name : __('Remove Link'), command : 'unlink', noActive : true}
sara said
at 12:49 pm on Jun 7, 2010
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